The City and Borough of Wrangell held a Regular Municipal Election on Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017. The unofficial results are as follows: For the two uncontested Assembly Member seats for three year terms, Rolland Howell received 178 votes, Stephen Prysunka 195. For the uncontested School Board seat for a three year term, Jessica Rooney received 219 votes. For the two Hospital Board uncontested four year term seats, Jennifer Bates received 182 votes, Rebecca Christensen 187. For the one uncontested Port Commission three year term, Mark Mitchell received 204 votes. The only contested race was for for one unexpired term until October 2019 on the Wrangell School Board, Caitlin Cardinell received 63 votes, Robert Rang 82 and David Wilson 83.
The results are unofficial. The canvas board will meet at 12:30 on Thursday, October 5, 2017 to count absentee ballots and questioned ballots. There are 29 Absentee ballots and two questioned ballots to count before the election can be certified and considered final.