a. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE led by Assembly Member Patty Gilbert
b. INVOCATION to be given by a member of the Baha’i Faith
c. CEREMONIAL MATTERS – Community Presentations, Proclamations, Awards, Certificates of Service, Guest


3. PERSONS TO BE HEARD – This agenda item is reserved to provide an opportunity for persons to address the assembly
on agenda items or non-agenda items.

4. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA – The assembly may amend the agenda as provided in WMC 3.05.030(E).
Removal of an item from the Consent Agenda is not considered an amendment to the agenda.

5. CONFLICT OF INTEREST – The purpose of this agenda item is to provide a time for any conflict of interest disclosures
and determinations on such disclosures by the mayor, as may be necessary and appropriate under WMC 3.04.112.

6. CONSENT AGENDA –Items listed on the Consent Agenda or marked with an asterisk (*) are considered routine and will be
passed in one motion; provided, upon the request of any member, the manager, or the clerk, an item on the Consent Agenda shall be removed
from the Consent Agenda and placed under New Business for assembly action.
a. Approval of Assembly Minutes – November 7, 2017 (Public Hearing & Regular)
b. School Board Minutes – September 18, 2017 (Regular) & October 5, 2017 (Special)
c. School Board Action – November 11, 2017
d. SEAPA – 3rd Quarter Community Flyer
e. WMC Minutes – October 18-2017
f. Correspondence from Senator Dan Sullivan, congratulating Wrangell on receiving the 2017
SE Conference’s Community of the Year Award
g. USFS Wrangell Island Project Consolidated Objection Response to the Final Environmental
Impact Study and Draft Record of Decision – November 13, 2017
h. Dept. of Administration PERS Audit Report Letter

7. BOROUGH MANAGER’S REPORT (Verbal or Written Report to be given at the Meeting)
• Shoemaker Bay Harbor Project – Dredge Material Testing Costs (Verbal or Written
Report to be given at the Meeting)


9. MAYOR AND ASSEMBLY BUSINESS – This agenda item is reserved for the mayor and assembly to provide
reports or comments and to introduce items not previously on the agenda which need to be brought to the attention of the entire assembly or the
staff. Assembly members may hold limited discussion on these topics or ask the borough manager or the borough clerk for clarifying information.
By majority consent of the assembly, the mayor or assembly may give direction to the borough manager or the borough clerk to add an item for
consideration for the next regular assembly meeting. Other than as described in this subsection I, no action may be taken by the assembly under
this agenda item.

a. City Boards and Committee Appointments
b. SSRAA Nomination (Assembly Member – Municipal Seat)

11. PUBLIC HEARING – Procedure: Persons wishing to speak during a public hearing on an agenda item, or otherwise on an
agenda item, will sign up on a sheet provided by the clerk and list the agenda item they intend to speak on. Persons on the list will be called by
the mayor to speak in the order in which they signed up for the agenda item, when that item is brought up for consideration, following any
administrative or committee reports on the item.


a. Approval to Waive Section 16.08.240 of the Wrangell Municipal Code Requiring
Assembly Approval of Tideland Lease Assignments for the Consent to Assignment of
Lease for Financing Purposes from Don Sorric to First Bank for Lot 1, Wrangell Marine
Service Center
b. Approval to Issue Request for Proposals for Healthcare Consulting Services
c. Approval of Contribution in the Amount of $5,000 toward the Tongass National Forest
Roadless Rule Appeal

14. ATTORNEY’S FILE – Available for Assembly review in the Borough Clerk’s office

15. EXECUTIVE SESSION – Procedure: Motion is made and voted upon. If adopted, executive session is held. If necessary,
action is taken in public session following the executive session. If there is more than one executive session topic, each topic will be handled
completely separate from the other.