Talk on the Rock is KSTK’s live call-in show. Every Tuesday at 1pm we welcome a local guest to discuss events and topics of interest to our little island town. For this week’s episode, host June Leffler spoke with Kay Larson about the local group BRAVE (Building Respect and Valuing Everyone). The group has tasked itself with preventing and responding to domestic violence in our community. Not having an emergency shelter in town, cuts to state funding, and simply living on a small island, further exacerbate that struggle. Kay tells us about resources in our local community and those through WISH, the DV shelter and advocacy organization in Ketchikan. If you are in crisis and in need of shelter, safety planning, or other services you can call WISH at 907-225-9474.
BRAVE is also hosting a community resilience fair at the Nolan Center on September 21. Kay explains that while trauma of any kind has severe impacts, folks and kids especially, are pretty darn resilient when given the resources to bounce back.