CASE COUNT: Wrangell currently has 2 active cases of COVID-19 in the community. As of today, the total case count for the state of Alaska is 59,030 cases. That’s an increase of 1,042 cases from last week. As of today, 1,285 people have required hospitalization. That includes 25 new hospitalizations over the last week. As of today, 303 Alaskans have died. Four of those deaths occurred during the last week and 9 were added following death certificate review. According to the State’s Alert Levels, the Northern SE Region (which includes Wrangell) has the 2nd highest case rate in the state (29.4 cases per 100,000). You can visit the data hub at For local case information & resources, you can visit
At this time public health has contacted all close contacts of recent cases. If you feel you were a close contact, please check your phones for unknown Alaskan numbers or listen to your voice mails. Public Health will only attempt to make contact for 2 days. Close contacts are determined during the Public Health interview with persons that have tested positive for COVID-19. A close contact is defined as any individual who was within 6 ft of an infectious person (with or without a mask) for a cumulative total of 15 minutes or more over 24 hours while the person was infectious. You are also considered a close contact if the person coughed or sneezed directly on you. If you are unsure if you were a close contact, you can always choose to quarantine for 14 days and get tested.
The Borough Assembly adopted three Emergency Ordinances at a Special Assembly Meeting on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. The Emergency Ordinances were effective UPON ADOPTION and will remain in effect until 11:59 PM, April 13, 2021 unless terminated earlier or extended by action of the Borough Assembly. The ordinances can be viewed at the City & Borough of Wrangell website or at – just click on the banner that says, “Wrangell Assembly passes 3 new local face covering & travel ordinances”.
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 987 requires wearing a face covering in certain indoor settings, and strongly urging other mitigation actions such as avoid or limit gatherings, use pick up services at restaurants, and reduce capacity for personal services.
The next 2 ordinance have the same testing requirements. They were brought forward as two separate ordinances so they could be considered and handled separately.
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 988 requires that all international and interstate travelers test prior to arrival or upon arrival, and strict social distance until test results are received. Alaska residents may elect to not be tested, provided that they quarantine for 14 days after arrival. Children 10 years of age and younger are exempt from testing requirements, but they should follow the same mitigation measures as the parent/guardian they are traveling with. In all scenarios, it is recommended that travelers obtain a second test 5-14 days after arrival. Persons who have tested positive for COVID-19 within 90 days prior to travel, do not need to test for COVID if they provide proof of a previously positive result of a molecular-based test for SARS CoV2 within 90 days of departure, and they have been released from isolation, and they are currently asymptomatic.
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE 989 requires all intrastate travelers coming into Wrangell via any mode of transportation (by air or sea) from within Alaska to follow the same testing, social distancing or quarantine protocol that I just described for Interstate travelers.
It is a Federal requirement that all travelers must wear a face covering at all transportation hubs and on all public transportation.
Any questions regarding travel can be submitted to or by calling 874-COVI (874-2684).
VACCINE: All residents aged 16 years and older that are interested in receiving the COVID-19 vaccine are encouraged to register at Please provide a valid email when you register, and you will receive an email notification to schedule your appointment. New clinics will be added as more vaccine supplies arrive. If you have any questions or cannot register electronically, please call the clinic at 874-4700 or call the SEARHC COVID Hotline at 907.966.8799.
As of today, 909 Wrangell residents have been vaccinated, more than 67% of those individuals have completed the 2-dose series. Since it is unknown whether vaccinated individuals might still be able to pass the virus on to others, it is still important for everyone to follow the recommended mitigation measures such as: wearing a mask, staying home when you are sick, delaying unnecessary travel, taking care of your health, keeping your social circle small, and washing your hands.
TESTING: If you have symptoms, it is important to seek testing as soon as possible. Both asymptomatic and symptomatic testing can be arranged by calling the Clinic M-F at 874-4700. If you have been vaccinated, but are experiencing symptoms, it’s still important to get tested.
HOUSING RELIEF: Alaska Housing Rent Relief – Alaska Housing Rent Relief is an Alaska Housing & Finance Corporation program that provides up to 12 months of rent and/or utility relief to eligible Alaskan renters who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Even if you’ve received rent relief from AHFC in the past, you can apply to this new program. The application period closes to new applications at 11:59 pm on March 5th, 2021. You can check your eligibility online by visiting and answering 7 check-the-box questions. Many Alaskans think they make too much money to qualify, but that’s often not the case.