(Sage Smiley / KSTK)
Wrangell’s school board has appointed David Wilson to serve for a second year as board president. He’s served on the board since 2017 and was first elected school board president last year.
As president, he’ll be responsible for setting school board agendas, running meetings of the board, and authorizing actions on behalf of the elected body.
Brittani Robbins was appointed as the board’s vice-president. She’s served on the board since last year.
And Angela Allen was re-appointed to serve a second term as the school board’s secretary. She’ll serve as third-in-command in the event of absences of the president or vice-president.
All of the board’s executive offices were uncontested.
Senior Kiara Harrison will serve as the school board’s student representative for a second year. Senior Rylee Chelette will serve as the alternate student representative.
The board elected its new officers at a special meeting Monday evening (October 10). It was also the first school board meeting for new board members Elizabeth Roundtree and Esther Ashton, although Ashton was excused for work travel. They replaced former board member Jessica Whitaker and appointee Julia Ostrander, neither of whom ran for re-election.
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