Wrangell’s assembly and administration are looking to update their formal relationship with the local tribal government. That happens through an agreement called a “Memorandum of Understanding (MOU),” which the Wrangell Assembly will consider at its regular Tuesday meeting (November 8).
The new agreement continues the commitment of the Wrangell Cooperative Association and the City and Borough of Wrangell to work together and consult on projects that impact tribal members and the community of Wrangell as a whole. The updated agreement clarifies that individual departments within the WCA can work collaboratively with the borough. That could include the WCA’s transportation department, as long as the transportation facility currently under construction is included in the National Tribal Transportation Facility Inventory.
The borough’s previous MOU with the Tribal government was established in 2019, and was set to expire in 2024. The new agreement will supersede the old one.
Collaboration between the Borough and WCA through the framework of previous MOUs has allowed the two governments to work together on a number of projects, including paving local roadways.
Also at its Tuesday meeting, Wrangell’s Borough Assembly will consider renewing another MOU – between Wrangell Parks & Recreation and the local school district. Parks & Rec runs programs in collaboration with the school, and the pool facility is located in the same building as Wrangell High School. The updated agreement would also allow Wrangell Public Schools staff to use the gym and pool facilities for free.
There are a number of land-related agenda items for the Assembly to consider as well.
One is the proposed sale of three lots at the end of Cassiar Street. The lots are undeveloped and don’t have utilities. Borough staff have expressed some concern about the slope stability of the area, stormwater runoff, and private sale instead of public auction of the lots.
The Assembly will also look at another option for trying to sell Wrangell’s former hospital site: a commercial realtor. The borough has been trying to sell the site for much of this year, to no avail. If approved, the borough may list the property for the land value ($470,000) instead of the land and property value ($830,000).
The borough is looking to develop more lots in Wrangell’s industrial park, located on the airport loop across from the elementary school and nature trail. The Assembly will look at spending $220,000 to put 725 feet of roadway into the muskeg to open eight new industrial lots.
And out at 6-Mile, Channel Construction has requested a short-term (120-day) lease agreement to continue scrap metal recycling activities while the borough develops an economic plan for the site. Wrangell’s Assembly will consider the lease agreement Tuesday.
Also on the agenda: Wrangell needs to update its job description for the Economic Development and Planning & Zoning director. Current director Carol Rushmore has indicated she will leave the position in the spring.
Before the meeting, the Assembly will hold a private work session with the new borough attorney, and a public work session starting at 6 p.m. on the community’s capital improvement plan and ideas for renovating the Public Safety Building.
Find the full agenda for the meeting here. Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting can sign up on the “Persons to be Heard” sheet located at City Hall.
KSTK will broadcast the work session and borough assembly meeting beginning at 6 p.m. on Tuesday (November 8) on 101.7 FM and online at KSTK.org.
Get in touch with KSTK at news@kstk.org or (907) 874-2345.