Wrangell’s assembly will consider altering the municipal code to allow for early voting during Tuesday’s borough assembly meeting. Early voting would allow citizens to vote in person at City Hall or electronically via email or fax 15 days before an election.
Another topic the assembly will discuss is transferring $247,625 from the Secure Rural Schools fund to the debt service fund. Secure Rural Schools funding is federal dollars that go to schools and municipalities near national forests in place of money that could come from a timber industry. This transfer will pay back the general obligation bond that paid for a school major maintenance grant match.
Additionally, a public hearing will take place for residents to discuss their concerns about the City and Borough of Wrangell’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2024 – 2025.
The Assembly discussed the borough manager’s proposed budget during a work session on June 5th. The general fund budget is set for $8,141,887. Some other funds include $1,266,944 for the Parks and Recreation special revenue fund budget and $3,625,000 for the sales tax fund budget.
Unlike previous years, no funds will be allotted to KSTK, the Chamber of Commerce and the Senior Center. As discussed in a work session, Borough Manager Villarma suggested to contribute to the non-profits by providing free utilities.
Updated moorage conditions
A public hearing will also be held for those who want to express their thoughts on the updated general moorage conditions and restrictions at the harbors. Boaters will have the option to pay for marine vessel insurance OR pay a moorage surcharge if they forgo the insurance. The new insurance requirements include $100,000 liability coverage, which must include salvage. The insurance would be available for boats of all sizes, instead of the 29-foot requirement that used to be in place. The new law also addresses that all surcharge funds go directly to derelict vessel disposal and salvage costs.
The Wrangell Assembly meets 6 p.m. on June 25. Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting should either call city hall at 874-2381 or email clerk@wrangell.com before 5 p.m.
View the full borough assembly agenda here.