View the full borough assembly agenda here.
Wrangell’s assembly will consider changing the Parks and Recreation Board’s meeting requirements in the municipal code. At Tuesday’s meeting, the assembly could modify the code from meeting monthly to quarterly. The proposal says the change should relieve any strain that staff and board members experience while putting together monthly meeting packets, according to Parks Director Lucy Robinson.
The assembly is also holding a public hearing to cancel and replace specific sections of the municipal code about purchases and sales. This includes increasing the limits for open market purchases that do not involve competitive bidding.
The amended language would also adjust the bidding process, which would accept bid documents through email. The proposal states that this addition should mitigate any mail delivery disruptions.
These changes to the code would also include exemptions to the competitive bidding requirement, especially for professional and emergency services.
Other items on the agenda involve canceling three borough assembly meetings for the remainder of the year due to conferences and holidays. If approved, there would only be one assembly meeting in September, November and December. October would still have two.
The Wrangell Assembly meets at 6 p.m. Tuesday. Anyone wishing to speak at the meeting should either call City Hall at 874-2381 or email clerk@wrangell.com before 5 p.m. KSTK will not broadcast the meeting this Tuesday because of the presidential debates, but we will record and post the Borough Assembly Meeting on our website.